and yea, i didn't have the star t-shirt, just walked for fun! Wa, really shock that i didn't facing any problem walking or running! haha.... so proud of myself ah! :) I'm a winner yet a looser! kakaka...
Everyone so excited for the "surprise" of the day. Because of that, they downgraded themselves from "competition" became "non-competition"...The bridegroom Ah Yew [Simon] pushing himself to walk faster than Joyce -the bride. Then Joyce and us lagging behind... walk slow walk slow to let them have chance to prepare everything! :p
Almost reach the finish point, banner up! Roses ready! and here's the romantic stunt... Joyce was shocked of the surprise! That moment was so sweet and touching!! Rather than photos, here's my DIY videos of the scene.. Enjoy! hehe, cheers... For more news regarding this, Read
Talking about Ah Yew, i'm really impressed of his bravenessss to show his love to Joyce in front of so many people... GENG LA YOU!!! Ah Joyce sooo hang fuk!!
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