Monday, July 13, 2009

D :) Happy Birthday

*Brand new header - I wanna put in "heal the world" musicnotes in the header but unfortunately coudn't fit in.. Iuuu, Iuuu! I wanna learn to play this song, but Melvin said i was too new to learn this. I like this song so much and it's so memorable to me. This is the 1st MJ's song which approached me when i was in Std 4. He taught us in english class. Last time Tv2 used to play this MV around 12am before headline news reporting. It's the longest MV i ever watched. Yorr, I miss MJ!!!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Back to the topic

Wah, just realised already past 2 weeks. Guess no one else late than me to wish him a very happy birthday!! XD Anyway, late better than never right?

Danell, Happy Belated Birthday!
迟来的部落祝福,生日快乐!祝你的美梦成真;*不懂发生了什么瓶颈事故再度延迟* 祝你尽快的圆梦到台湾去发展。开开心心,无忧无虑的渡过每一天。人情世故,毕竟有低潮时分,往最好的方面去想吧,你的哲学嘛对吧?呵呵,还有好多要跟你学习呢?*不可以悲观对吧?* 还记得你的2005年MI后座右铭-平常心,心常平?哈哈,我看你都忘了咯。未来的那片天空还是很光明的。瞻望着未来的一片天。加油哦“大哥”!:) 一笑而过。。。

soo chubby, wanna cubit!!:p The wub wub...

The Gorgeous...

The idolism and the prettiest...

The Cheeky shot...

The <3 <3

The All time Creative Table... XD

Changed from Cina last anniversary to Kiddy F1..*Vrooommm Vrooomm* DRINKKKKK.... ORANGEEEEEEEE!!! Want more creative one, see ya next gathering :) HAHA!

I lub each and everyone of you! See you soon!!! XD

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