The "APPLE" Talk :p chi chi cham cham
Its colour so special isn't it?
My 1st thought, i thinked of that two fellows. The one who eat Green apple daily and another who eat red apple daily WHO both sit beside me.
RED: MON MON I bite! ngek ngek ngek
p/s: Eat more green apples doesn't means that Dengue Mosquitoes won't bite you. SENG proved that this statement is totally wrong. Coz even he has it everyday but he still diagnosed with Dengue for the past few months. LOL craping!
Coincidentally that day prayers, so i brought an orange and an apple (the above) to the office. Oh yea, fight win them! Win-Win situation.. HAHA! They always talked non-stop perli-ing me, so I threaten them by biting the apple beside their ears. Hohoho!! He said i sounds like litter rather than biting. LOL...*childish* :p But it was pretty fun when i saw their reaction!
所謂,“一天一粒紅蘋果,健康美滿又快活!” I just simply write this, make sense??? :p
Another,"An Apple A Day Keeps Doctor Away"!
KP came to our house for "health talk" last weekend, i know i'm unhealthy. So I start it few days ago, hopefully this practise stay forever. So I'm gonna eat more apples from today onwards since it's sooo H.e.a.l.t.h.y. HAHA! At least one apple daily is my practise now. I've start it up now, how about you my dear blog reader? :)
Read this article:-
Benefit of Apple
一天一粒紅蘋果,健康美滿又快活!一天一粒紅蘋果,健康美滿又快活!=) kekeke
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