Seriously, i emo a lot lately. with some difficulties and think a lot! It's difficult to express. Something is not convenience to clarify here. I rather keep in my heart rather than sharing with friends. Even best friends, but why i prefer to keep in my heart by not sharing with others. I don't know! Maybe they will thinked that, "Yerrr, why you're not sharing with me? I'm your best friend!" I choose to be silent. Sometimes silent is the "Power". I really meant it :)
Thought i will be having my trip to KL twice within Feb-March which is some people will say "WAH" "CRAZY". Now i thinked not even once :( Haiz! Long story.. Some difficulties which i always faced that! You should know that.. I really have tried my best! !@#$%^&* Sadly to announce i coudn't make it. Jie, i coudn't bring some save drama for you d. Let's see how in the coming months...
Recently, company keep practising any possible policy to cut cost:-
- Milo + Coffee vendor machine NO longer Free.. Meaning i got no free Milo for night! Oh my!! My dear Milo....
- Sharing cube few weeks later. They wanna save the utility expenses by sharing computers. Oh my!!!
Moving to 5th floor since 2 weeks ago. No longer Hot-con or switch on the fan at night, we have aircon! :) No need to concern about the air anymore. I can wear nicer and formal clothes to work now. Yeah happy, seriously i tidy up my clothes yesterday and realised that i do have lots of outfit can wear to the office with that air-con environment. Luckily they didn't cut cost of this! I like my cube very much! Superb... I've been moving lots of my belonging to office:- Bears soft toy, souvenirs, key chain, pictures etc. I'm so glad that i've my own space with my own belonging. haha! But somehow good thing doesn't stay long, have to share cube few weeks later. What the hell of this realistic world? aiyo!
Anyhow, i should appreaciate of all by not cutting our salary!! right? =D Let me share with you my cube and environment when i'm so "crazy" and so "free" to take pictures. haha!
See ya!